
Why Being a Pilot Is the Best Job on the Planet

Why Being a Pilot Is the Best Job on the Planet

Nothing is better than your first flight

The moment you lift off the ground, you understand you're the one responsible for a safe and secure landing. Having such responsibility is extremely rewarding, and a feat that not many will have accomplished.

You develop great decision-making skills

Most jobs require you to make decisions in one way or another, however, being a pilot will ultimately help develop even stronger decision-making skills. You need to understand how to make decisions based on the information that is currently available to you, as it ensures the safe landing and arrival of your passengers or cargo.

You will become a smarter person

Like any profession, you will gain valuable knowledge that you can apply in and outside of work. However, the extent of knowledge you gain from being a pilot is invaluable. Improving your decision making and logical reasoning goes much further than being able to fly a plane. Your resource management skills will also improve tremendously, and many of these skills can be utilized outside of work.

Flying is an incredibly exciting job

If you are interested in flying, it is probably because you find excitement in it. Operating a large flying vehicle, thousands of feet high is an enticing job. Even after the first surge of adrenaline wears off, every trip is entirely different. There is always somewhere new you will go.

You will meet an amazing group of people

The roster of flight staff is always rotating, so you will end up meeting a wide array of people/ Being on the flight crew is a team effort, and everyone wants to support you. You will also meet various faces around the world because you will get to travel the world! Being on the move and experiencing the world introduces you to peoples and cultures you have never been exposed to before. This expands your worldview and changes your perspective and respect for the world around you.

An invitation to explore!