Academy College is aware that tuition charges along with available finances can limit student’s course selection and program completion goals. Therefore, in an attempt to support student academic goals and career aspirations, we are pleased to offer students the benefit of tuition free courses.
All Academy College students registered for a minimum of 16 credit hours will be eligible to select one additional course, per quarter, free of tuition charges.
Tuition-Free Course Criteria:
- Students must be registered for a minimum of 16 credits prior to selection of the tuition-free course.
- Students must pay in full for the billed credits by the first day of class or be current on an approved payment plan.
- Students must maintain at least 16 billed credits through the entirety of the quarter.
- Students are responsible for all book, supply, exam and campus fees for the tuition-free course.
- Students will be awarded the grade earned for the tuition-free course.
- The tuition-free course grade will be calculated in the student’s cumulative GPA and included in the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Calculation.
- Students must complete the tuition-free course request form prior to beginning the tuition-free course.
- Flight course credits are not applicable for the tuition-free waiver.